Sage Northcutt proved that he's here to stay with fast submission in his first fight back.
Sage Northcutt is back to his winning ways.
On Friday night Northcutt returned to the ONE Championship cage after breaking more than 30 bones in his face following a KO loss in his debut four years ago. He was one of the brightest prospects and many wondered if he'd ever return following such a brutal loss.
But he did.
He stepped in on the historic card to face Ahmed Mujtaba and needed just 39 seconds to secure a heel hook win.
ELE VOLTOU! Com menos de um minuto de luta, Sage Northcutt pega a perna de Ahmed Mujtaba e finaliza a parada!
— Combate (@combate) May 6, 2023
Uma vitória inesquecível para o norte-americano! 💪👏#ONEnoCombate
"My adrenaline is up, I tell you what," Northcutt said after the fight.
Northcutt said he'd like to try a submission grappling match next and then celebrated the announcement that he'd been given the $50,000 bonus.
"Thank you Mr. Chatri," he said.
MMA Twitter celebrated the return after Sage Northcutt injury
I’m so happy for the successful return of @sagenorthcutt at @ONEChampionship!!
— Paul Toponce (@PToponce) May 6, 2023
Glad to see Sage Northcutt back healthy and in the winner’s column.
— Shingo Kohara (@onetwocross) May 6, 2023
Sage Northcutt really needed that, and what a humble dude. What a great night for him!! #ONEFightNight10
— Niko Grimes (@Griznasty94) May 6, 2023
I’m happy to see this guy win and get that 50k. #SageNorthcutt #ONEChampionship
— Keith Perkins (@RochNH2014) May 6, 2023
Sage Northcutt sure loves being alive, huh?
— Ant Evans (@AntEvansMMA) May 6, 2023
Great fella. Happy for him.
(Still think him and PVZ should have got married and had Ken and Barbie kids.)
Sage northcutt heel hook such a legend
— Chosen1 (@JawawaUS) May 6, 2023
@sagenorthcutt great return tonight. Such an awesome submission. That had to hurt, for Ahmed to tap so quickly. Welcome back!
— Kevin Quinn (@Founder_BC) May 6, 2023
MMA Twitter was overwhelmingly happy for Northcutt, seeing how long and hard he's worked to battle back to the cage.