A timeline of Jason ‘Mayhem’ Miller's criminal history [UPDATED SEPT 2023]

Everything you need to know about Mayhem Miller and his long criminal history.
Mayhem Miller's mugshots
Mayhem Miller's mugshots /
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October 2014 - Live tweeting his police stand-off

In October 2014, police arrived to Miller's home to arrest him after for a felony domestic violence warrant/ Miller refused to co-operate and locked himself inside his Orange County, CA home.

He famously live tweeted the incident on his official Twitter account before eventually surrendering.

March 2015 - Fighting with police

Miller was arrested in Laguna Beach, CA after it was reported that he was "volatile and breaking glass" inside of a bar. A video from a witness at the time showed Miller fighting police while handcuffed. He was charged with "battery on a peace officer, unlawful fighting, and resisting arrest."

October 2015 - Tased by police

Officers responded to a domestic call involving Miller and two women. When they arrived Miller threatened police and was eventually tased by police and arrested for assault.