MMA Twitter is mercilessly trolling Ian Garry's wife

Everyone on Twitter is criticizing the relationship between Ian Garry and his wife Layla.
Ian Garry and his wife Layla
Ian Garry and his wife Layla | Twitter

MMA Twitter is at it again. Ian Machado Garry and his wife Layla Machado Garry are the latest target of the Twitter mob who is sharing their thoughts about a book that Layla wrote about how to become a "WAG." For those of you unfamiliar, a WAG is the wife or girlfriend of a professional athlete.

It all started when the MMA Guru brought up the book on his YouTube channel.

The couple have been a constant source of discussion for everything from her age, to him taking her last name, to Ian hiring her ex-husband, her policing how he responds to interviews and now the book.

Here's how Twitter reacted.

After the comments began making their rounds, Layla took to Twitter to set the record straight on several rumors.

"Some crazy sh*t I can’t believe ppl believed," she wrote. "Ian did not take my exs name. My ex doesn’t live with us . I do not control Ian’s assets. I do not control the number ten in the world ufc fighter. If you ever met him you’d shut your mouth."

She also explained that she is studying slander, libel and defamation and explained what she plans on doing with the knowledge.

Ian and his wife are the subject of criticism today but come tomorrow MMA Twitter will likely have moved on to whatever the next thing to complain about will be.