Donn Davis just gave the most absurd interview about Kayla Harrison

Donn Davis' recent comments about Kayla Harrison are completely delusional.
Donn Davis
Donn Davis / FRANCK FIFE/GettyImages

Former PFL champion Kayla Harrison left the PFL to make a run at the UFC title and made her debut versus Holly Holly at UFC 300. She won the fight in dominant fashion and proved she's high-level UFC quality talent to anyone who doubted her.

Before moving to the UFC Harrison dominated in the PFL becoming the promotions biggest star to date. Unfortunately though it appears as though PFL founder Donn Davis is still holding a grudge after her departure.

"Some people at the very top of their career are LeBron James and some at the very top of their career are Kevin Durant. And they are both otherworldly basketball players. But who they are is very different people. One wants to lead and change their sport... the other is a follower who needs validation and we couldn't do anything about that."

Essentially what it appears he's saying is that Harrison "needed validation" which is a wild thing to say to someone who holds two Olympic gold medals and a former PFL champion. Every athlete wants to test themselves against the best in world and unfortunately (right or wrong) MMA fans recognize UFC athletes as the best in the world. Not only does Harrison absolutely deserve that chance, but she's earned it.

Harrison proved herself as having brand loyalty but that can only take her so far. To reach the level of recognition and accomplishments she deserves, she must test herself in the UFC. For Davis to make her departure something other than a proud moment for her is wrong and its completely disrespectful to Harrison's legacy.

Donn Davis reacted to fighter complaints

Unfortunately this isn't even the tip of the iceberg when taking about what PFL is doing to its current and former fighters. Several have come out to talk about the treatment they've recieved since the PFL purchased Bellator. Former Bellator champion Gegard Mousasi even says he will likley seek legal action versus PFL over contract issues.

Davis addressed those issues as well. “Occasionally we’ll have a fighter grumble,” Davis said on the podcast. “It’s one of 205 (fighters we acquired from Bellator). You expect five to 10 percent issues on any deal. You can’t be perfect. You can be 90 to 95 percent. We’ve had a handful of people say, ‘Oh, I wish it went this way, I wish it went that way.’ I’m delighted. I’m very, very proud of how we treated our fighters. How we treat our employees. Most of all, the product. We just completed our second (Bellator show) in Paris, which was awesome. We didn’t sit on this for six months. We didn’t take a year off. We didn’t lay off 100 fighters. All the stuff that always happens in all acquisitions. So I just could not be more proud."

We're going to need to keep an eye on how relations between these fighters and PFL develop over the next few months.