Colby Covington thinks he's defending women against Sean Strickland (Video)

Colby Covington: The defender of women?
Colby Covington
Colby Covington | Amy Kaplan

On Wednesday, during the UFC 296 media day Colby Covington took a stand against UFC middleweight champion Sean Strickland over his stance on women.

“I mean the guy said women only belong in the kitchen. If you told that to my friend Candace Owens, she would literally run circles around him and make him look like the amateur jabroni that he is," Covington said when asked about Strickland. “The guy’s the easiest fight in the division. There’s a reason he ran away from my division. Because he couldn’t cut it. So I’m just speaking on what everybody believes and thinks as well.”

Technically Strickland did say that. In a pre-fight presser, Strickland said “We need to put women back in the kitchen” and that women belonged out of the workforce (and not voting) so that they could raise children.

And while that statement is totally false, not many people actually believe Strickland's statements.

An while we're at it, Covington isn't exactly all that respectful to women either. He often posts videos and photos of bikini-clad women for attention and in his media day interview he mentioned getting his "bedroom cardio" in with the women of Miami.

Colby Covington called out Sean Strickland as 'easiest fight'

“I want to go for that triple championship," he said. "I think I could do it. I can make [155 pounds] and I can make [185 pounds] and that’s the easiest fight if Sean Strickland is still there. So I may look to go to beat Sean first and then go down to 55 and beat that mongoloid. But I have unfinished business at 170 and the only way to make this division great again is to be active and clear out the division first. So until I do that, I’m not going to entertain anybody else.”

Obviously, Covington is just trying to drum up some attention from the champion but can we leave women out of it?