5 of the bloodiest MMA fights in history

  • Not every MMA fight ends in a bloody mess
  • But every now and again a special moment happens and a war takes place
  • If you like that kind of thing, here are five fights to watch
UFC gloves
UFC gloves / Douglas P. DeFelice/GettyImages
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Jay Hieron vs. Jonathan Goulet, UFC Fight Night 2

Typing UFC Fight Night 2, in itself, is a blast from the past. For long-time fans, there was a golden era of the UFC which helped build the sport to what it is today. This fight, like plenty of others, adds to that nostalgia of the old-school UFC that everyone loved.

Jay Hieron and Jonathan Goulet put on a memorable show. A training partner of Georges St-Pierre, Goulet was a solid kickboxer and muay thai fighter. Hieron, credited for taking down Randy Couture, was a good wrestler and grappler who used his throws and takedowns to find offensive opportunities.

This fight, however, was far from a grueling grappling contest. While Hieron was looking to impose his will in close quarters, Goulet did a fantastic job at defending any submission attempts. Goulet found spots to land elbows and knees both in the clinch and on the ground. He was also dominating the stand-up battle.

This led him doing plenty of damage to the face and head of Hieron, who was still in the fight. The problem is, every fight starts standing. In an era where fighters specialized a lot more as opposed to being well-rounded, Goulet would do incredible damage for the first minute or two, before being taken down. It's a great back-and-forth to also show just how much the sport has evolved.

Surprisingly, this fight lasts till the start of the third round. During the second round, you can hear the classic duo of Joe Rogan and Mike Goldberg talk about how this fight should've been stopped. There were moments in the fight where Goulet would look up at the referee with his hands in the air, insinuating that there was nothing he could do with the amount of blood on Hieron. He couldn't find any defense or transitions to get to his feet.

This fight will always be memorable for Rogan saying this was the bloodiest he's ever seen at the time and that the fight should not continue.

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