UFC 190: No, Bethe Correia did not sh-t herself

No, UFC bantamweight contender Bethe Correia didn’t poop her pants after her UFC 190 bout against Ronda Rousey.

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You’ve likely logged on to social media and seen just about everyone talking about Ronda Rousey knocking the piss out of Bethe Correia at UFC 190. While it certainly was a vicious knockout, no bodily fluids literally exited Correia in the process.

Chances are you’ve stumbled across this photo on Twitter or Facebook today. It shows what appears to be a chuckling Rousey while a defeated Correia hugs her team, her shorts soiled in what appear to be poop stains.


And gullible people on the internet everywhere believed Rousey’s opponent s**t herself.

UFC strawweight Felice Herrig even posted it to her Facebook page, though not necessarily commenting on it, just that the UFC should consider colors besides white. As Jonathan Snowden of Bleacher Report points out, it is something that could potentially happen.

A UFC fighter has in fact pooped himself during a fight.

While Rousey literally beating the s**t out of an opponent would certainly be an interesting incident that would go viral, and likely end up on blogs everywhere in the process, it didn’t happen. Someone photoshopped the photo being spread around the internet.

Here is the original image from Getty Images and you’ll notice there are no stains on her shorts.

View image | gettyimages.com

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